Newseum chief executive James Duff is leaving the D.C.-based journalism museum after three years, Brett Zongker reports.
Duff, who will return to his previous job as chief administrative officer of the U.S. Courts, will be replaced in the interim by Peter Prichard, who was previously editor of USA Today, Zongker writes. Jan Neuharth will take over for Duff as CEO of the Freedom Forum, the Newseum’s parent organization.
The Newseum’s financial outlook was improving in 2013, but it was still operating at a loss, Zongker writes:
Newly released financial documents show the Newseum still ran an operating deficit in 2013, but the deficit was reduced by half to $4.3 million compared with $8.3 million in 2012. Fundraising increased from about $1.3 million in 2012 to $3.3 million in 2013, though that’s still far less than other nonprofit museums.
The AP previously reported that the museum was “struggling mightily to cover costs,” with ticket sales offsetting 10 percent of expenses during 2011.