Opinion | Rupert Murdoch’s media company settles with Prince Harry, including a rare full apology
The outlets in Murdoch’s news empire tend to be combative when accused of wrongdoing. This extensive apology is a surprising departure.
The outlets in Murdoch’s news empire tend to be combative when accused of wrongdoing. This extensive apology is a surprising departure.
News readers benefitted as the ascendant Banner forged its identity against the established Sun. A turbulent ownership change may spoil everything.
Overcoming low name recognition and reluctant audience spending, news startup Mill Media now has journalists in six cities
Meta's policy reversal and increase in political content could mean more misinformation for communities lacking local news
Wealthy people have always had a louder voice, but Trump’s new allies represent the starkest consolidation of wealth in US politics in recent memory
Jon Greenberg
John Diedrich
Angela Denker
Fernanda Camarena
St. Petersburg, Fla.
Kerwin Speight
Kelly McBride
The nonprofit NEWSWELL, a project of Arizona State University, offers an innovative approach for giving newsrooms the support they need
Conservative commentators who previously denounced that day’s violence are suddenly singing a different tune
The chain CNHI furloughed 46 staffers, or about 3% of its workforce. It’s likely a weather vane for industry trouble ahead.
Chris Clermont
Eliot West
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PolitiFact is the largest political fact-checking news organization in the United States and winner of the Pulitzer Prize. It has published more than 16,000 fact-checks on its Truth-O-Meter.