I paid for Work-Life Chemistry, but I haven’t received any emails yet. What’s going on?
Thanks for enrolling in Work-Life Chemistry! You should immediately receive a receipt confirming your purchase.
If you haven’t received your first instructional email yet, make sure to check your spam folder, searching for “Kristen Hare.” If you find the “Week 1” email, mark it as a “safe sender” or “important” so that the next email arrives at the top of your inbox.
If it’s been longer than five hours and the first email is not in your spam or junk folder, it’s possible you previously unsubscribed from Poynter’s email service provider. Click here to resubscribe and select “Other promotional emails” (and any other free Poynter newsletters you want to receive!).
If you’re still having trouble, please email info@poynter.org for help.