June 11, 2003

McMinnville (OR)

Of the News-Register

A 78-year-old minister who admitted Monday to sexually abusing several young parishioners is set for sentencing July 1.

Alfredo Hinojosa Soto, who lived at 1563 Beech St. in Cornelius before his May 2002 arrest, was charged with 11 counts of first-degree sexual abuse and five counts of first-degree sodomy. He pleaded to two counts of attempted sex abuse and one count of attempted sodomy.

Conviction on all counts could have meant as many as 110 years in prison. The counts he pleaded to could get him as much as four years and eight months by themselves.

However, Yamhill County Circuit Judge Ron Stone has indicated his intention to submit to the terms of a plea negotiation that punishes Soto with probation and supervision as opposed to any further jail time.

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