Dearest Readers:
This will be the last Dr. Ink column for a while.
There will be great speculation in the days ahead about why Doc is going on sabbatical, on safari, on a pilgrimage, on special assignment, on vacation, on a journey to the mountaintop, a walkabout, a vision quest.
There is no truth to the rumor that the Doc is in a snit because someone at Poynter kidnapped the illuminated flamingo from his office. If an angry memo to this effect is leaked to Romenesko, please know that it is a forgery.
Dr. Ink’s hiatus, his nap, his recess, his retreat, his road trip, his break can be attributed in part to the aspirations of his alter ego, his doppelganger, his soul mate, his significant other, his shadow, his embedded partner, his raison d’etre, the yin to his yang, the Wang to his Chung, Dr. Roy Peter Clark.
Roy will be writing more for Poynter Online under his own inflated name and is also at work on some book-length projects that need his and Doc’s attention.
While Doc’s siesta/fiesta is of indeterminate duration, look for a triumphant return around Valentine’s Day.
In the meantime, know that Dr. Ink will think of his almost 4,000 subscribers with the deepest respect and affection, and with the hope that we will meet again.
Until then, bon voyage, hasta la vista, ciao, aloha, happy trails.