Associated Press | Fox News
A Colorado state senate committee Monday rejected Sen. Bernie Herpin’s proposed changes to Colorado’s shield law. Herpin drafted the changes in response to the story of Fox News reporter Jana Winter, who a New York court ruled didn’t have to testify in the trial of accused theater shooter James Holmes.
Herpin’s bill would have set a higher bar for courts to subpoena journalists. Three Democrats voted against the bill and two Republicans voted for it, AP’s Ivan Moreno reports.
Democratic Sen. Lucia Guzman, who voted against the bill, said Monday that she needed to weigh the interests of the courts in some cases to get information from journalists, as well as the need to have a free press.
“It’s been a very difficult one for me,” she said.
Previously: Citing Jana Winter, Colo. lawmaker proposes strengthening state’s shield law | Jana Winter: The ‘public also suffered’ from subpoena