Here’s today’s MediaWireWorld roundup of journalism news from outside the U.S. Send tips to Kristen Hare:
1. Australian journalists meet with Egyptian diplomat: 10 Australian journalists met with an Egyptian diplomat and delivered a statement calling for the release of Al Jazeera’s Peter Greste, Mohamed Fahmy and Baher Mohamed, the ABC reported Monday. More than 100 Australian news organizations signed the letter. Greste is Australian.
2. In Honduras, government “clearly obstructing serious and professional media”: Both human rights and media rights have suffered since the 2009 coup in Honduras, Reporters Without Borders reported Saturday.
Tighter government controls on the flow of information have had a direct impact on the work of journalists. Journalists Marylin Méndez and Dagoberto Rodríguez, the editor of the daily La Prensa, said no government minister talks to journalists without permission from the president’s office. The government is “clearly obstructing serious and professional media.” Rodríguez added.
3. Mexico’s out of the World Cup: And sad. Here’s the front page of La Razón de México, in Mexico City, courtesy Newseum:
And one from Diario 24 Horas, in Mexico City:
And one from Novedades de Quintana Roo, in Cancún: