Good morning. Here are eight media stories. (No newsletter tomorrow or Friday — happy Thanksgiving, and see you Monday.)
- News orgs seek your ideas on Ferguson
#FergusonNext is a project from the opinion shops at The Guardian, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch,, Colorlines, The St. Louis American and Riverfront Times. (#FergusonNext) | Darren Wilson spoke with George Stephanopoulos. (ABC News) | Freelance reporters Emily Molli and Marcus DiPaola got robbed in Ferguson. (Riverfront Times) | Post-Dispatch employees covering Ferguson: Sorry, no Thanksgiving break for you. (Poynter) | Post-Dispatch front: “Smoldering”
- Why do people react so strongly to CNN?
Ferguson protesters in New York last night chanted “Fuck CNN.” The network showed the chants. “Hats off to CNN for showing as much of the chanting as they did,” Erik Wemple writes. “But they may want to consider why it is that people seem to react so strongly to this news provider.” (WP) | Maybe it’s Don Lemon? A catalog of his weirdest moments. (WP)
- First Look kills its business publication, cans staff
The Pierre Omidyar-backed media group dispatches Racket, the publication Matt Taibbi was supposed to edit, and its staff, with a five-sentence post. (First Look Media) | Employees of FLM talked anonymously to Chris Lehmann. Among the complaints: Everyone’s salaries got posted by mistake to the company intranet, and “For all their talk about ‘iterating,’ ‘blue sky,’ and the rest,” managers are “not interested in any of the difficult stuff of leadership.” (In These Times) | Racket staffers who need jobs. (@pareene)
- Jian Ghomeshi withdraws CBC lawsuit
Disgraced radio host will not pursue damages from his former employer, will pay CBC’s legal costs. (The Globe and Mail)
- How to explain to your family that you work at Gawker
J.K. Trotter: “It’s this news website thing in New York … Um, I write about media … It’s called Gawker. … Yes. With a ‘G.’” (Gawker)
- The lines are crossing at MailOnline
Digital ad-revenue gains at the Internet juggernaut in 2014 had the effect of “almost completely offsetting the advertising and sales decline at the Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday.” (The Guardian)
- But nothing about #grapegate?
NYT says its Thanksgiving dishes feature had “numerous errors.” (Poynter)
- Front page of the day, curated by Kristen Hare
The Virginian-Pilot shows Darren Wilson‘s red cheek. (Courtesy the Newseum)
Ben Mullin‘s job moves is off till Monday. Load up his inbox in the meantime: Corrections? Tips? Arguments about apple pies vs. pumpkin? Please email me: Would you like to get this roundup emailed to you every morning? Sign up here.