Digital Tools

Tools make our journalism more powerful. They unleash our storytelling potential, unlock secrets in data, and help us share stories in new and compelling ways.

As newsroom ranks and audience attention spans shrink, tools are indispensable. Lucky for us, more and better ones are released every day.

Poynter’s Try This! — Tools for Journalism is an effort to find, share and provide training around the best journalism tools. We understand that great tools can be difficult to find and harder to learn (though you’d be surprised how quickly some of them will make their way into your daily work). We’re here to help.

This page is the home for all of our journalism tools articles. For more:

Visit Knight Lab’s tools projects (sponsored)

Try This! — Tools for Journalism is supported by a generous gift from the American Press Institute and the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, who fund a digital transformation project at Poynter. Poynter retains editorial control over site content.