I was captivated by the story in Sunday’s St. Petersburg (Fla.) Times (the newspaper is owned by Poynter) that focused on the lives of three children, age 12 and 13, and how their world has changed in the five years since the 9/11 terrorism events.
What struck me was how much the story, written by the deputy features editor, John Barry, focused my own attention on the impact that the past five years will have on the generation growing up today. I grew up during the Kennedy years, and vividly remember the day the president was assassinated. And yet, to the credit of our democracy, life pretty much went on as before. This will not be the case for these three kids.
Barry’s story was a glimpse into our future. And he ended the piece in a very powerful way:
They said this:
Aisha: “I pray every night.”
Austin: “I pray all the time.”
Monica: “I pray for everyone.”