Academy Times news story mentions that three students (including Min) and the magazine’s adviser attended a hearing to show support for the bill and that Steve Matson, the adviser, and one student spoke on its behalf.
Too many student journalists are censored for arbitrary reasons. Administrators can use prior review to censor out of self-interest or out of fear of a particular topic. HB 1307 allows students to determine the content of their publications and limits prior review powers to censoring only prohibited speech.The bill would have educational benefit for student journalists across the state. Because students are held fully accountable for what they write, advisers are encouraged to better educate their students about professional standards of journalism. Also, if students have greater responsibility for the material they publish, students will be forced to make decisions thoughtfully, and journalism will be a proactive learning opportunity.
We call on students, parents, faculty, administrators, and board members to support HB 1307.