To many, the photo of President Barack Obama sitting with his feet propped on his desk while on the phone with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seems innocent enough. To some Israelis, however, the photo is offensive and an “insult” to Israel.
The issue calls to mind the incident last December involving an Iraqi journalist who threw a shoe at former president George Bush. At the time, the BBC pointed out:
“In Arab culture it’s considered rude even to display the sole of one’s shoe to a fellow human being.
“Certainly, crossing one’s legs ankle-on-knee style should never be done in a public place for fear of offending the person next to you.
“The sensitivity is related to the fact that shoes are considered ritually unclean in the Muslim faith.
“In addition to ritual ablutions before prayer, Muslims must take off their shoes to pray, and wearing shoes inside a mosque is forbidden.
“Shoes should either be left at the door of the mosque, or carried (preferably in the left hand with the soles pressed together).”