July 20, 2004

What does it take to become a leader in today’s newsroom? How can you make collaboration and visual planning part of your daily newsroom culture?

It takes initiative, vision, tenacity, good coaching and — above all — the desire to make the strongest possible connection with your audience.

In this one-day Poynter workshop at the Society for News Design Workshop in Houston at the Hilton Americas:

• You’ll get advice from some of the best visual leaders in the industry about what it takes to go from “good” to “excellent” visual journalism.

• You’ll find practical ideas to put to use in your own newsroom: Ideas for setting goals, pitching ideas, building trust, resolving conflict, motivating others and more.

When people are actively engaged in solving problems and sharing ideas, the work automatically gets better.

The stories and editing are tighter, the photos and headlines are stronger, the graphics are more informative and the design and presentation can be more cohesive and meaningful.

In short, the reader wins.

Seminar Admissions
c/o Jennette Smith
801 Third Street South
St. Petersburg, FL 33701-4920

PHONE: (888)-POYNTER (769-6837)
FAX: (727) 821-0583

DEADLINE: Friday, September 9

$100 for members of SND or ACES / $125 for non-members
Tuition covers all materials, instruction, continental breakfast and a boxed lunch. Note: Please do not send check for tuition until you are notified of acceptance into the seminar. The fee is not refundable.

Thursday, October 6 from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Matt Mansfield, DME, San Jose Mercury News
Steve Dorsey, Design Director, Detroit Free-Press
Sara Quinn, Poynter Visual Journalism Faculty
Kenny Irby, Poynter Visual Journalism Group Leader
George Rorick, Retired Poynter Faculty
Anne Van Wagener, Poynter Design Editor

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Sara teaches in the areas of design, illustration, photojournalism and leadership. She encourages visual journalists to find their voice in the newsroom and to think…
Sara Dickenson Quinn

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