Journalists should avoid simple explanations after mass shootings Accused Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock's brother said from Orlando that he didn't even know… October 2, 2017 Al Tompkins
Covering the Vegas shooting: What journalists need to know about guns Without a doubt, the mass shooting in Las Vegas will start a new round in… October 2, 2017 Al Tompkins
Poynter workshops produce new drone journalism ethics policy This year, Poynter organized four workshops that trained more than 325 journalists and journalism educators… September 22, 2017 Al Tompkins
TV photojournalist has an ear (a big one!) for telling unique stories For the third year, KARE11 photojournalist Ben Garvin wore a 40-pound, 7-foot-tall paper mache ear… September 15, 2017 Al Tompkins
After being flooded out of their station, KHOU employees are stocking up on supplies With her staff working round-the-clock to cover catastrophic news and engineers busy fixing up the… September 1, 2017 Al Tompkins
Hurricane Harvey couldn’t silence Texas radio stations When Hurricane Harvey's intensity became clear, employees at 93Q in Houston reserved hotel rooms across… September 1, 2017 Al Tompkins
Al Jazeera America is closing because ‘our business model is simply not sustainable…’ Al Jazeera America will close by April 30th, AJAM CEO Al Anstey announced Wednesday. The… January 13, 2016 Al Tompkins
Enough with the PowerBall cheerleading — just report the story I wish journalists would stop being such cheerleaders for Powerball. I could do without seeing… January 13, 2016 Al Tompkins
Morning news crews say: “We stand with #WDBJ7” [View the story "Morning Crews say: "We Stand with #WDBJ7"" on Storify] August 27, 2015 Al Tompkins
Should you use the video and the fax from the WDBJ shooting? That depends. WDBJ reporter Alison Parker and photojournalist Adam Ward became the 31st and 32nd journalist murdered… August 26, 2015 Al Tompkins
Same-sex marriage: Covering the battles ahead Now that the Supreme Court's decision on same-sex marriage has had time to sink in,… June 29, 2015 Al Tompkins
NBC and Brian Williams still have explaining to do Brian Williams moderates a debate between presidential candidates in 2008 file photo. (AP Photo/Mark Duncan)I… June 18, 2015 Al Tompkins
Church shooting: Choose your words carefully This image has been provided by the Charleston Police Department.(Charleston Police Department via AP)I wanted… June 18, 2015 Al Tompkins
Networks use drones to cover Nepal quake (Screen shot from NBC's drone coverage of Nepal.) NBC News' Miguel Almaguer used dramatic video… May 1, 2015 Al Tompkins
NPR now allows users to embed 800,000 pieces of audio Starting Wednesday, NPR began including embed codes with every story. With yesterday's change, NPR is… April 30, 2015 Al Tompkins