Best and Worst Team Names Dear Dr. Ink, Can you address the silliness that abounds in the online world of… September 5, 2003 Dr. Ink
From Babel to Babble The AP reports that, during a radio interview, Mario Cuomo urged Al Gore to rejoin… September 3, 2003 Dr. Ink
Doc Gets Graphic Dear Dr. Ink: Earlier today I was watching a news report about the latest bus bombing… September 3, 2003 Dr. Ink
Doc Tips His Hat Dear Readers: Dr. Ink is feeling more than a bit melancholy this week as… August 27, 2003 Dr. Ink
The Language of 9/11 Dear Dr. Ink: Seeing as how you seem to be the best arbiter of usage… August 20, 2003 Dr. Ink
Milking Mother Jones Dear Dr. Ink: Last week I wrote a piece on a city council considering using… August 20, 2003 Dr. Ink
Bosses Suck Yo, Dr. Ink, Can you please explain for me all the hypersensitivity to the word… August 6, 2003 Dr. Ink
Bylines That Jump Dear Readers: Long names fascinate the short-named Dr. Ink. On Saturday, Aug. 2, the Doc… August 6, 2003 Dr. Ink
Doc Juggles Words Dear Dr. Ink: Was Councilman Davis murdered or assassinated? And if an eyewitness said he… August 6, 2003 Dr. Ink
Jerks Working for Nincompoops Dr. Ink, I've worked at three small-medium daily newspapers (top circ.: 35,000), and at all… August 6, 2003 Dr. Ink
J-Slo: Doc Just Doesn’t Get It Dr. Ink, a usually hip interpreter of popular culture, just doesn't get the Jennifer Lopez… July 29, 2003 Dr. Ink
Of Mouses and Men Hello Dr. Ink, As a young journalist (I'm a junior print journalism major at Hampton University),… July 25, 2003 Dr. Ink
Hateful Letters Dear Dr. Ink: I live in Eugene, Oregon and am appalled at the Letters to… July 22, 2003 Dr. Ink
Thus Spake … The Doc Dear Dr. Ink: Please help us with a conflict we've had in our newsroom regarding quotes.… July 21, 2003 Dr. Ink
On Alleged Victims Dear Dr. Ink: As ... an admirer of the Poynter Institute, I was wondering what you… July 21, 2003 Dr. Ink