Two questions that guide aggregation etiquette
Digiday editor-in-chief Brian Morrissey was getting a little tired of Business Insider aggregating his site's…
Jeff Sonderman ( is the Digital Media Fellow at The Poynter Institute. He focuses on innovations and strategies for mobile platforms and social media in online news. In addition to training journalists and writing for, he manages the development of Poynter-related mobile apps including Help! For Writers and Settle It! PolitiFact's Argument Ender. He is also currently an adjunct faculty teaching digital journalism at Georgetown University. Find ways to follow him at
Digiday editor-in-chief Brian Morrissey was getting a little tired of Business Insider aggregating his site's…
Techdirt Tim Cushing explains what happened when Teri Buhl, an "investigative journalist covering finance/Wall Street,"…
The Atlantic has developed new guidelines for its use of sponsored content, after pulling and…
Truth Teller | Knight Foundation Politicians lie. Journalists try to point out those lies, but…
A recent scientific experiment demonstrated the importance of intervening in comment sections to cultivate constructive…
Chicago Tribune Abe Epton shares what he likes about working for the Chicago Tribune's news…
Twitter just released a video-sharing tool called Vine that makes it easier for people to…
The Boston Globe is giving iPads, projectors and free Boston Globe digital subscriptions to local…
Sports Illustrated | Journo2Go It was a story of two tips. The first, as Sports…
The New York Times | Poynter If your social media policy prevents employees from saying…
Advertisers want to be let out of the box. They want to break out of…
A mobile app that will help amateur journalists send photos to news organizations securely and…
Deadspin | CBS Sports | Huffington Post | SB Nation The sports editor at The…
Facebook | Graph Search The Facebook search box has, until now, been pretty useless for anything…
By now you've heard about how The Journal News of Westchester County, N.Y., published the…
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