Fact-checkers around the world see phishing scammers taking advantage of the COVID-19 crisis The CoronaVirusFacts / DatosCoronaVirus Alliance database is growing and now has more than 3,000 fact-checks… April 2, 2020 Jules Darmanin
A rumor about helicopters disinfecting cities just won’t die; misinformation demands our vigilance Fact-checkers around the world have encountered a specific odd chain message about COVID-19 that has… March 31, 2020 Jules Darmanin
The CoronaVirusFacts global database has doubled in a week: Check out the latest hoaxes about COVID-19 It's been a week since the CoronaVirusFacts / DatosCoronaVirus Alliance made public its database, offering… March 27, 2020 Jules Darmanin