Notes from NABJ Gerald Boyd returned to the National Association of Black Journalists today to make his first… August 8, 2003 Karen Brown Dunlap
Etched in Stone By Karen F. Brown Dunlap (more by author)Dean of the Faculty My father's name is… June 12, 2003 Karen Brown Dunlap
On Independent Ownership I wonder what Nelson Poynter would think of the news business today. Nelson was the… June 1, 2003 Karen Brown Dunlap
The Troops and the Media Geraldo Rivera wasn't the first media representative to attach himself to a military unit in… April 3, 2003 Karen Brown Dunlap
Mind if We Watch? A vivid photograph draws readers to the top of a newspaper page one morning. On… November 9, 2002 Karen Brown Dunlap
A Time to Keep Communities in Conversation We broke form Tuesday. Half-hour programs became all-day updates. Radio sports talk yielded to news… September 2, 2002 Karen Brown Dunlap
Improving Copy Desk Morale Is Worth All the Hard Work Writers glory in their highly visible bylines. Photojournalists and graphic artists thrive on credit lines… August 25, 2002 Karen Brown Dunlap
What Are You Missing? This article appeared in the ASNE Small Newspapers brochure. My first journalism job after college… August 25, 2002 Karen Brown Dunlap
Can’t We All Just Get Along? The best reporters I know have an understandingof the environment in which editors work.Chris Lavin… August 25, 2002 Karen Brown Dunlap
What Really Provokes Reader Response? Poynter Dean Karen Dunlap chaired the Pulitzer jury that recommended "The Boy Behind The Mask"… August 20, 2002 Karen Brown Dunlap
Coaching Editors to Coach Writers What is coaching? Coaching is a way to improve newswriting by helping journalists do their… August 14, 2002 Karen Brown Dunlap
Monday’s McVeigh Execution Eight Poynter faculty put themselves in the shoes of readers and viewers (as well as… August 14, 2002 Karen Brown Dunlap
A Journalistic Question for Kwanzaa For a week, beginning December 26, millions of Americans will greet each other with the… August 3, 2002 Karen Brown Dunlap
The Serious Business of Judging the Pulitzers A PULITZER MOMENT STRUCK ME when Seymour Topping, Prize administrator, huddled with Gene Roberts, chairman… July 31, 2002 Karen Brown Dunlap
Jim Romenesko: Getting the scoop on media, link by link Before the sun rises over Lake Michigan, Jim Romenesko journeys about three feet from his… July 30, 2002 Karen Brown Dunlap