Synchronize or Suffer You’d think publishers would’ve smartened up following their missteps with West Virginia coal miners’ story.… January 26, 2006 Rob Runett
Chasers, Start Your Gadget Gift List It’s time for Chasers to start making their holiday wish lists, and so far, the… November 22, 2005 Rob Runett
More Fun with TV/Web Cross-Pollination Hmmm, reruns of TV shows on the computer screen. This is what we’ve been working… November 15, 2005 Rob Runett
Media Spending Today and Tomorrow We love market research. There, we've said it. Chasers are fascinated by forecasts and enthralled… September 16, 2005 Rob Runett
Setting Up the Set-Tops Only the geekiest early adaptors would get all worked up about the phrase “Internet protocol… August 31, 2005 Rob Runett
NY Times Looks to the Skies This Chaser has always cheered publishers’ efforts to distribute their content through emerging platforms. Satellite… August 3, 2005 Rob Runett
Next Generation Mobile Tablets Convergence Chasers are always watching for new mobile devices that keep readers/shoppers connected to online… May 26, 2005 Rob Runett
Podcasting for Papers � Much More than News Newspaper-affiliated sites have offered streaming audio for a long time, so it’s not surprising to… May 18, 2005 Rob Runett
Car Convergence Chasers spend a lot of time forecasting the future of entertainment hubs in the living… March 7, 2005 Rob Runett
Looking for Convergence Dollars Content and promotion. Content and promotion. That’s all we hear about when it comes to… February 14, 2005 Rob Runett
More Room for Newspaper/Broadcast Cooperation After all of the chatter about EPIC, these data points might seem quaint. But here… November 30, 2004 Rob Runett
Mobile Device Must-Have Features To paraphrase that annoying credit card commercial, "What's in your mobile device?" Wireless software company… October 5, 2004 Rob Runett
A Few Notes about Music and Convergence Start waving the cigarette lighters and swaying side to side -- the love affair between… September 15, 2004 Rob Runett
The Complexity of Media Consolidation Depending on the conclusion, each new academic study that attempts to measure the impact of… August 10, 2004 Rob Runett
Convergence Returns to The Sun The Sun in Baltimore, Md., jumped back into local convergence this month with a new… July 7, 2004 Rob Runett