Compete With Free By Going Beyond Free
Newspaper executives often complain that the Internet culture of giving everything away for free makes…
Steve Outing is a thought leader in the online media industry, having spent the last 14 years assisting and advising media companies on Internet strategy and being on the bleeding edge of media trends. He has written a popular and widely read column, “Stop The Presses!” for Editor & Publisher Online, since 1995, which covers the news industry and its evolution in the digital age.
His current projects include:
* TechToon / Avatar Garage - An online “reinvention of the comic strip” produced with California artist Steve Kearsley. The duo have created a comic about a family of tech-heads and are utilizing innovative social media and social networking techniques to allow the audience to participate and be part of the comic.
* - An initiative to create solutions for the beleaguered newspaper classifieds industry, allowing newspapers to adapt to a distributed-web model and recover lost revenues.
Newspaper executives often complain that the Internet culture of giving everything away for free makes…
Here's a piece that every editor should (no, must) read: Delaying News in the…
I've got to agree with Columbia University's Sree Sreenivasan: It would be egregiously insensitive for…
Over on my personal blog, I mentioned a new instructional / inspirational video about social…
This is my New Year's tradition. Every year I write a blog item reminding everyone…
"Journalists, Bloggers Have a Sorry History at Startups." So writes Mark Glaser over at PBS…
First, let me say that any journalist who's working in the year 2007 should have…
A terrorist bomb kills dozens in your downtown. A tornado wipes out a nearby town.…
This week I gave a presentation to one of Sandra Fish's journalism classes at the…
Here's an interesting idea: Online photo sharing site has compiled a special album pegged…
Big news in the citizen-media world: Dan Gillmor's Bayosphere is being acquired by, which…
A model for "citizen journalism" that I like tightly blends the work of professional journalism…
Late last week, Yahoo! News did a low-key soft rollout of an enhanced "Local News"…
The University of Colorado's student newspaper, the Campus Press, was one of the first campus…
What will the "MySpace generation" use for classifieds? Yeah, Craigslist -- but also MySpace. According…
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