Fact-checking Fundamentals with IFCN


Fact-checking Fundamentals with IFCN

Learn the fundamentals of fact-checking with this free course from the Poynter Institute and the International Fact-Checking Network, funded with support from Meta.

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Learning Outcomes

In this course, students will learn how to:

  • Describe the history of the fact-checking movement
  • Find and identify statements and claims that can be fact-checked
  • Apply a standard methodology to fact-checking
  • Utilize tools and techniques to debunk and verify claims
  • Plan a collaborative fact-checking activity


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With support from Meta, the International Fact-Checking Network is pleased to offer a free introductory fact-checking course. Composed of three modules focusing on fact-checking, verification and debunking and health mis- and disinformation, the course will prime journalists on how to find fact-checkable claims, the methodology for fact-checking and tools and techniques to assist in their journey. 

This self-paced course is open to journalists, academics and aspiring fact-checkers throughout the Asia-Pacific region. Participants who successfully complete the course will receive a certificate of completion and be invited to attend a webinar to take a deeper dive into the fact-checking world. 


This course is designed to be completed at your own convenience and at your own pace. Students can anticipate spending 2 to 3 hours completing the modules.