Powerful Writing: Leverage Your Video and Sound

Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $0.00.

Powerful Writing: Leverage Your Video and Sound

In this one-hour video tutorial, early-career journalists will learn how to seamlessly combine audio, video and copy in captivating news packages.

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  • This video tutorial is for college journalists, those who aspire to broadcast careers and early-career producers
  • Learn from Poynter senior faculty for broadcast and online, Al Tompkins
  • In one hour, you'll learn how to make a bigger impact with your video packages

Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $0.00.

SKU: NUWEB04-20 Tags: , ,

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you'll be able to:

  • Utilize natural sound to supplement video packages
  • Incorporate sound bites and clips into a way that tells a story
  • Write copy that flows with the video

Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $0.00.


  • This video tutorial is for college journalists, those who aspire to broadcast careers and early-career producers
  • Learn from Poynter senior faculty for broadcast and online, Al Tompkins
  • In one hour, you'll learn how to make a bigger impact with your video packages

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Quality audio and video can be the difference in whether your viewer is engrossed or distracted. In this one-hour video, veteran reporter and instructor Al Tompkins explains how to integrate video, sound bites and natural sound seamlessly with your writing to create a news package that both informs and captivates broadcast audiences.

RELATED TRAINING: Check out “Clear, Strong Writing for Broadcast Journalism” and learn how to write stories for broadcast that are clear and concise.


  • Al Tompkins, Senior Faculty, Broadcast and Online
    Al Tompkins
    Al Tompkins is the former senior faculty for broadcasting and online. He has taught thousands of journalists, journalism students and educators in newsrooms around the...
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