As International Fact-Checking Day kicks off at MediaWise, we’re confronting another year plagued with 😱 misinformation. The U.S. presidential race is picking up — and we continue to grapple with climate change, civil rights, authoritarianism and other topics driven by falsehoods. A recent Poynter and MediaWise study 👀 showed global citizens are concerned about misinformation — but may lack the skills to spot it themselves.

MediaWise invites you to join fact-checkers around the world and 💪 fight back. These digital media literacy resources turn you into your own fact-checker — on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook — anywhere misinformation lives. We celebrate facts every day. Now you can too.


  • Kathleen Tobin
    Youth Programming Manager, MediaWise
    Kathleen Tobin manages the Teen Fact-Checking Network, a group of teens from throughout the United States who produce fact-check videos for YouTube, TikTok and Instagram...
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  • Salvador Rodriguez-Ruiz
    Program Officer, International Fact-Checking Network
    Salvador Rodriguez-Ruiz is currently the program officer for the Code of Principles at the International Fact-Checking Network and a previous program officer for MediaWise. Salvador...
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  • Brittani Kollar
    Deputy Director, MediaWise
    Brittani Kollar is the deputy director of MediaWise, Poynter’s digital media literacy project that teaches people of all ages how to spot misinformation online. As...
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  • Vanya Tsvetkova
    Former Interactive Learning Designer, MediaWise
    Vanya Tsvetkova develops curricula in various formats to teach fact-checking and media literacy skills to audiences of all ages in the U.S. and abroad. Vanya...
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  • Alex Mahadevan
    Director, MediaWise
    Alex Mahadevan is director of MediaWise, Poynter’s digital media literacy project that teaches people of all ages how to spot misinformation online. As director, Alex...
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