You will learn
- Why it’s important to secure your online accounts and how to do it.
- How to avoid online scams.
Traveling around the internet isn’t like any actual trip you’ve ever taken. But it requires similar preparation. You have to pack the right items to stay safe, know where you’re headed and be aware of potential obstacles to avoid. Just like on a trip around the world, the internet offers you an opportunity to explore new ideas, learn new things and encounter new people and cultures. However, just as in real life, a wrong turn online can lead to dangerous places. And not everyone you meet online will be honest and friendly.
So, before you travel around the internet, take some key steps to stay safe and avoid bad information. Watch these videos for more details.
Conversation starters
Keeping your digital experiences secure
When you leave your home to go on a journey, would you leave it unlocked or with the key in the door? We’ve all gotten frustrated copying a code from our text messages to log in to an account, or having to reset a password because we just can’t remember which one we used. However, these protections are essential for account security. Check out a few tips to keep your accounts and information secure without too much extra headache.
Check the privacy settings of one of your online accounts (email, social media, etc.) and adjust them as needed.
Avoiding scams
Even if you protect your identity and passwords, plenty of pirates are out there looking to steal your information. As you watch this video, stop to answer the questions and follow the tips presented. They will provide you with a road map to avoiding scammers.
Vocabulary check
Various actors online compete for your attention, but not all of them have your best interests at heart. Before you do anything online, make sure your personal information is protected, even if it means taking a few extra steps.
References and Resources
- Get the lesson plan
- Password management tools
- Multi-factor authentication (MFA)
- MFA Tools
- FTC online fraud reporting tool