Quentin Hope

Faculty, Media Transformation Challenge at Poynter


Quentin Hope is an independent consultant with over 25 years of experience serving clients across a broad range of industries and organizations in the areas of strategic alignment, organization design, organization effectiveness and change management. He also has extensive experience in public media and digital media management and consulting.

He is an instructor and coach for Poynter’s Table Stakes local news innovation program, which helps newsrooms make the transition to sustainable digital publishing.

His consulting experience includes 13 years with McKinsey & Company as a senior engagement manager, organization specialist and senior fellow with the firm’s organization design practice. This work included co-authoring the field research for the book Real Change Leaders and leading the field research for Peak Performance by Jon Katzenbach. He also served as a senior advisor for eight years with Katzenbach Partners LLC working with client teams and developing firm methodologies.

Hope’s work in media began with his founding of High Plains Public Radio in the 1980s, which he continues to advise on a pro bono basis. In recent years he has consulted for media clients ranging from leading public media organizations to legacy metro newsrooms to digital start-ups.  He has served as a coach and faculty member for the Media Transformation Challenge program (formerly Sulzberger Media Leadership Program) since 2010.