This is The Poynter Institute’s Weekly Training Digest newsletter. To have it delivered to your inbox Tuesdays, click here.
If you’re searching for a job, you may be looking at LinkedIn or following #JournalismJobs on Twitter. Did you know that Poynter also has a jobs board with hundreds of opportunities? The most common job postings are for editors, reporters, anchors and producers, and they are for newsrooms across the United States.
Check out Poynter’s Media Jobs Connection to see what could be next for your career. If you’re looking to add talent to your newsroom, you can post jobs, too.
Getting a new gig might require new skills. See below for upcoming opportunities to train with Poynter.
How Any Journalist Can Earn Trust
In-person seminar at the Poynter Institute, Feb. 10
Stop thinking of distrust in journalism as an unsolvable, big-picture problem. Instead, find concrete ways everyone in your organization can work to demonstrate credibility and earn trust every day.
In this one-day workshop with the leaders of Trusting News, you’ll hear what we’ve learned about the most common causes of mistrust. You’ll see what newsrooms are already doing to address mistrust, and how we know it’s working. And, you’ll leave the workshop feeling more optimistic about your relationship with your community and be ready to empower your colleagues to take ownership of the problem of trust.
Cost: $39. Deadline: Nov. 29. Enroll Now.
Navigating Ethical Dilemmas: Connecting Core Values and Journalistic Action
Online Group Seminar, Nov. 10 — Dec. 10, 2019
Have you recently faced an ethical dilemma and weren’t quite sure how to handle it? This course, led by the chair of the Craig Newmark Center for Ethics and Leadership at Poynter, Kelly McBride, gives journalists and journalism organizations a toolkit to navigate the ethical dilemmas inherent in news gathering, reporting and publishing. You will also develop an ethical decision-making process that you can apply in your daily work.
Cost. $399. Deadline: Nov. 9. Enroll Now.
A limited number of scholarships of up to 50% of the course tuition are available to applicants with demonstrated need. To apply for a scholarship, email
ACES In-Depth Editing Online Group Seminar (Fall 2019)
Online Group Seminar, Nov. 10 — Dec. 15, 2019
This in-depth editing online group seminar is for experienced editors who are seeking to move their work to a new level. You’ll hone your skills and edit strategically, going beyond editing for style, grammar and punctuation.
When you’re done, you will have expertise in substantive editing and know how to use critical thinking skills across multiple platforms and disciplines. You’ll also get coaching and feedback from the experts at the ACES: The Society for Editing.
Cost. $449. Deadline: Nov. 9. Enroll Now.
Poynter Producer Project
Online: March 10-April 7; In-person: March 27-29
This unique seminar will help you expand your expertise as a TV producer with new writing, storytelling, coaching and ethical decision-making skills. We’re combining the best of online learning with in-person coaching and mentoring to help you tell stronger stories and make those tough calls on deadline. Throughout this course, you’ll gain practical ideas to share with your colleagues and a new energy to bring to your work. With decades of success stories — many of our graduates are now news directors and executive producers — this opportunity can launch your career.
Cost. $550. Deadline: Feb. 17. Enroll Now.
Poynter/ACES Advanced Editing Certificate Training Package (Fall 2019)
Online group seminar, Nov. 10-Dec. 12
This is Poynter’s most advanced editing certificate. It contains the Poynter ACES Certificate in Accurate, Audience-Focused Editing and an Online Group Seminar starting Nov. 10. Deadline: Nov. 9. Cost: $600. Enroll Now.
MPA/Poynter: Executive Development Program
In-person, New York City, Dec. 3-4
The Poynter Institute and MPA – The Association of Magazine Media — are teaming up to provide aspiring publishers with a unique opportunity to accelerate their careers. MPA leaders can now nominate applicants for the first Poynter/MPA Executive Development Program, which includes a two-day career accelerator in New York. Deadline: Nov. 4. Cost: Free for accepted applicants. Apply Now.
The Media Transformation Challenge (MTC) Program: A Poynter Institute Executive Fellowship
In-person seminar at the Poynter Institute, Jan. 2020-Jan. 2021
Fellows in the executive-level Media Transformation Challenge, which began in 2007 as the Sulzberger Executive Leadership Program at Columbia University, will come to Poynter in 2020 for week-long sessions and year-round coaching to improve the sustainability and profitability of their news organizations. Apply by Dec. 1. Apply Now.
Poynter Leadership Academy
In-person, Sept. 20-25
This is Poynter’s premier seminar for high-potential managers to refine their leadership styles and update their understanding of management trends. Apply by Aug 3. Cost: $1,750. Apply Now.
Media Innovation Tour
In-person, Oct. 26-30, 2020
In this weeklong tour, you will get an exclusive, behind-the-scenes tour of major media organizations in Washington, D.C., and New York City. Apply by Aug 1. Apply Now.
Poynter Producer Project
Online: March 10-April 7; In-person: March 27-29
This unique seminar will help you expand your expertise as a TV producer with new writing, storytelling, coaching and ethical decision-making skills. We’re combining the best of online learning with in-person coaching and mentoring to help you tell stronger stories and make those tough calls on deadline. Apply by Feb. 17. Cost: $550. Apply Now.
Trusting News Webinar Series
Webinar No. 3, April 8, at noon Eastern
Empower your journalism organization to demonstrate credibility and earn trust with this series of five webinars led by Trusting News founder and director Joy Mayer. Cost: Free. Enroll Now.
Summit for Reporters and Editors
In-person, May 3-8
In this week-long specialized training, you will learn to use digital approaches and narrative writing techniques to transform your work, whether it’s a daily story or a major project. Apply by March 27. Cost: $1,550. Apply Now.
Teachapalooza: Front Edge Teaching Tools for College Educators
In-person, June 5-7
This seminar will get you up-to-date on the technology and trends that shape journalism, show you the latest ways educators are using innovation in their classrooms, and focus on data storytelling and new storytelling platforms. Apply by April 30. Cost: $350. Early-bird pricing: $299 for first 50 registrants. Apply Now.
The Power of Diverse Voices
In-person, Nov. 12-15, 2020
This transformative four-day seminar will help journalists from a wide spectrum of backgrounds find their voices and build skills for writing opinion pieces and personal essays. Apply by July 31. Cost: Free for selected applicants. Apply Now.
- Arts Reporter/Digital Producer — KERA/KXT, Dallas
- Tribal Affairs Editor — Cascade Public Media, Seattle, Washington
- Editorial Writer and Columnist —San Antonio Express-News, San Antonio
Click here for more jobs.
Tips, program follow-ups and more on
- Does your news organization owe African Americans an apology? Here’s how to do it the right way. By Robin Hoecker.
- Tech platforms step up their anti-misinformation game before 2020. By Daniel Funke, Susan Benkelman and Cristina Tardáguila.
- This Portuguese fact-checking platform reached its break-even point in less than a year. By Cristina Tardáguila.
- Roy Peter Clark settles the possessive apostrophe debate: Follow grammarians’s rules. By Roy Peter Clark.
- Five lessons from five years of women’s leadership training. By Katie Hawkins-Gaar.