February 7, 2003

Boston Globe

By Thomas Farragher and Matt Carroll, Globe Staff, 2/7/2003

When a woman complained to the Archdiocese of Boston in 1994 that the Rev. Lionel P. Ouellette had molested her as a schoolgirl in Lynn, the church ruled he could keep his job.

When the Rev. Paul G. McPartland was accused by a woman, who said he had tried to sexually molest her in a car at Castle Island when she was 16, the church took no action.

Records made public yesterday detailing alleged sexual misconduct by six priests suggest that women who complained that they had been assaulted as girls often received dismissive treatment by a church review board.

”Victims, male and female, were discounted, but it was even more pronounced with respect to women,” said David Clohessy, national director of the Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests.

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