New home for the Tracker:
Since Jan. 1, 2004, the Tracker has resided at, hosted by the National Catholic Reporter on its website. You’ll find a detailed announcement of the switch here (
Archived pages of the Tracker back to March 2002 will continue to be accessible via this page. The archives include thousands of Feedback comments contributed by users and attached to articles through Dec. 31, 2003. Poynter will not be archiving either articles or feedback posted after that date.
Poynter will send the final e-mail edition of the Tracker today. You can sign up for a daily e-mail reminder of new Tracker posts from NCR:
The Abuse Tracker has been an interesting, valuable undertaking for Poynter, a non-profit school for journalists. We hope we’ve been of service. And we thank all of you for your loyal readership and helpful suggestions over the past 22 months.