March 16, 2005

Although I was born with ink in my blood (both my father and grandfather were printers by trade), I’ve spent the past 10 years working in new-media ventures. I love the immediacy of the Web and the limitless space it provides to expand on stories with slideshows, multimedia presentations, interactive polls, and community forums. I’m also a diehard newshound who thrives on a vampire’s schedule. So when my best friend recently asked me to define my dream job, I replied without hesitation: “Web editor on the graveyard shift at the Associated Press in New York City.”

On Monday, I landed that position.

The AP is a fantastic news organization and I’m proud to have this opportunity to focus my writing/editing/producing skills on the stories they break overnight. I move back east at the end of this month and between now and then, I’ll be looking for an apartment in Manhattan, packing like a mad fiend, and driving cross-country with my four cats. Although my work with the The Blog of Death will continue, I am cutting back on most of my other freelance activities, including E-Media Tidbits.

It’s been a great honor writing for this weblog these past few years, and I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who contributed comments on my entries. Thanks also to Steve Outing, Matthew Buckland, Juan C. Camus, David Carlson, Vin Crosbie, Eva Domínguez, Steffen Fjærvik, Amy Gahran, Rich Gordon, Paul Grabowicz, Steve Klein, Larry Larsen, Carla Passino, Ernst Poulsen, Madan Rao, Katja Riefler, Laura Ruel, Norbert Specker, Martha Stone, Fons Tuinstra, Monique van Dusseldorp, Steve Yelvington, and Peter M. Zollman for writing such compelling content about online media, journalism, and publishing. It’s been a wonderful experience working by your side.

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Jade Walker is the overnight editor of Yahoo! News. She previously held that position at The Associated Press and The New York Times. Ms. Walker…
Jade Walker

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