January 10, 2005

At Steve Outing‘s suggestion, I surfed over to the San Jose Mercury News website to read Dan Gillmor‘s final technology column. Before I closed my browser tab, however, a listing in the left nav caught my eye. Under “Site Services,” there was a link to the “Mercury News Ethics Policy.” This single-page document offers readers a comprehensive look at how the paper and its website handle fairness and accuracy, freelancing, radio and television appearances, conflicts of interest, gifts and honorariums, plagiarism, unidentified sources, transparency, and corrections.

A recent Gallup poll showed that the American public has a very low opinion of journalists. Perhaps publishing our ethics policies on the Web — and in print at least once a year — will help readers better understand what professional standards we set for ourselves as we cover current events.

Support high-integrity, independent journalism that serves democracy. Make a gift to Poynter today. The Poynter Institute is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization, and your gift helps us make good journalism better.
Jade Walker is the overnight editor of Yahoo! News. She previously held that position at The Associated Press and The New York Times. Ms. Walker…
Jade Walker

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