Karen Brown Dunlap
What coverage or industry developments surprised you? Why and how?
I was surprised and interested in the Wall Street Journal story on Google turning to advertising opportunities in traditional media. Their model for money is impressive in that they are thought of as a search engine but they are so much of an advertising venue for so many. After making it big online, they are now looking at opportunities for new advertising models in traditional media.
What was underplayed or overplayed? Why and how?
James Frey was overplayed. His nonfiction was largely fiction. What more is there to say? Why pump up sales by keeping him in the spotlight.
How about misplayed? The selection of women as leaders in Liberia and Chile came off as a “big hats” story. These were the first women leaders in the regions and in several stories you saw more of Laura Bush than the new leader. You saw more of Bush and Rice in hats than discussions about expected policy changes. The story was played as a tea party.
What are you looking for next week? What will we still be talking about?
In media news we will continue to speculate about Knight Ridder’s future. In general news we will continue to examine the work of the Supremes, including the influence of Roberts and Alito’s future.