All Poynter Online users can log in to the site and read any blog posts in Poynter Groups. To create your own blog post or contribute a comment, you must join the group you would like to post to. I’ll show you how to do this in the video below.
Now that you know how to post to Poynter Groups, try it. Post your response to this question: “In these tough economic times, what are the top 10 reasons journalists deserve a raise?“in our Poynter Groups blog. We’ll highlight the top entries on Poynter Online.
After you answer the question, read and join some conversations already going on in Poynter Groups.
“Which video camera should I buy?” (Online and Multimedia group)
“…there are some great cameras out there that won’t break the bank or the reporter’s back. It is very important to gear up according to need, skill level and frequency of use. ”
“Is Community Organizing Media?” (Online and Multimedia group)
“…Journalists are traditionally content creators. But now people are overwhelmed by content. ‘Community organizing’ may not be journalism as we define it, but ‘content organizing’ certainly is.”
“Political involvement — No? No? Never?” (Ethics and Diversity group)
“Many of my respected colleagues have taken buyouts and might have time on your hands. Do you think it is appropriate to use this time to do political work, and still consider yourself a journalist?”
“If I could teach beginning journalists just ONE THING…” (Journalism Education group)
“…it wouldn’t be about AP style or inverted pyramids or even correct punctuation (though heaven knows I worry that writing as we know it is going down the tubes in a tidal wave of commas). No, I want them to know about the importance of primary sources.”
“Politics and the Newsroom” (Leadership and Management group)
“We need the views of gay journalists to understand how their community is dealing with hate crimes, we need latino journalists to speak up in order to understand their community’s view of immigration. We need Republican journalists to speak freely about why they believe McCain will make the best choices. This is key to free-flowing, diverse discussion. We must encourage it, not discourage it.”
Join one of the above discussions or make your case, “Why do journalists deserve a raise?“ We’ll highlight the top entries on Poynter Online.