The Associated Press quotes Jill Geisler about President Barack Obama’s criticism that cable news centers on conflict:
” ‘I think each of us in journalism must ask: Are we contributing to a deeper understanding of complex issues?’ she said.”
The Associated Press quotes Jill Geisler about President Barack Obama’s criticism that cable news centers on conflict:
” ‘I think each of us in journalism must ask: Are we contributing to a deeper understanding of complex issues?’ she said.”
The outlets in Murdoch’s news empire tend to be combative when accused of wrongdoing. This extensive apology is a surprising departure.
Overcoming low name recognition and reluctant audience spending, news startup Mill Media now has journalists in six cities
Meta's policy reversal and increase in political content could mean more misinformation for communities lacking local news
Wealthy people have always had a louder voice, but Trump’s new allies represent the starkest consolidation of wealth in US politics in recent memory
The nonprofit NEWSWELL, a project of Arizona State University, offers an innovative approach for giving newsrooms the support they need