As a part of our 35th anniversary, Poynter is celebrating the intersection of journalism and technology. We know there’s a wide range of expertise out there, and we want your help in identifying those who have left a lasting mark through their work. Help us select 35 influential people in social media — both in and outside of journalism.
We’ve shared some people who have influenced how we think about social media at Poynter, and now we’d like you to tell us who has influenced you. From now until Tuesday, Oct. 5, you can use either Facebook or Twitter to nominate someone and vote for others by commenting on, “liking” and/or retweeting posts about others who have been nominated:
Twitter: In 140 characters, tell us who you you think has been influential to social media and why. Make sure to include the “#p35” in your Tweet. Search for this hashtag on Twitter, and check back on this article page, to see some of the nominees.
When determining who makes our final list of 35, we will look at your nominations, comments and the number of “likes” or retweets each nominee gets. We’ll also consider other factors, including the impact and significance of the contribution. So, someone who was an early adopter and has a long track record of using social media would be as likely to make the list as someone who has had one substantial contribution.
On Friday, Oct. 8, we’ll start to share the names of the people we’ve selected. We’ll hear from some of these influential people at our tweetup on Wednesday, Nov. 3, and during our Social Media Day on Nov. 5. You can join us either at Poynter or online via our live video stream for both events.
(Here’s a tweet that you can use to share with your followers: “I’ve shared with @poynter someone who has influenced how I use social media. I’d like you to share who’s influenced you.”)