Even iTunes is doing a year-end list; its staff pick the best and top selling apps of 2011, including news apps. The New York Times made the list of top iPhone and iPad news apps. The Daily was one of the top Newsstand apps and also the third top-grossing app of the year. CNN’s app is in the top five free apps of the year, and its iPad app is also among iTunes’ top picks for news apps of the year (see images below). CNN’s Zite tops the list of news apps. And Instagram is the iPhone app of the year; the photo filtering and sharing service is a favorite of journalists.
The Newsstand, introduced in October, has driven up app download rates by as much as 85 percent in some cases, though few news organizations have migrated their apps to it.
- The top iPad news apps of the year include two personalized news readers (Zite & Livestand) and two broadcast news sources (CNN & “60 Minutes”). The New York Times iPad app is one of the top Newsstand picks.
- iTunes’ picks for iPhone news apps include personalized news reader Flipboard, and the New York Times app.