Fourth in an apparently ongoing series on journopay
The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics spotlights the media and information industries in a series of delightful charts, including one that outlines salary information for employed journalists. These figures “do not include the unincorporated self-employed,” the BLS says.
The BLS counted 98,990 editors, the largest group among its list of media occupations.
“Employment in the information industry peaked in 2000 and 2001 and has declined every year since,” BLS reports. This chart shows how much employment in the newspaper industry has shrunk since the turn of the century:
And this one shows the growth in jobs in Internet publishing — though, it seems like “bubble” is a term that should be avoided in this case.
Here’s a fun chart: Projected employment, based on 2010 levels. The number of reporters is projected to shrink, while the number of photographers is projected to go through the roof. That may come as a surprise to many photographers.
Finally, a customizable graph allows one to compare productivity — the “ratio of the output of goods and services to the labor hours devoted to the production of that output” — among various media industries from 1990-2010. I chose newspaper publishing and broadcast for this one. Newspaper publishing indexed at 111 in 2010, while broadcasting climbed to 127.8. Although journalists may feel like they increased their output dramatically during first decade of the 21st century, the BLS says productivity “has changed relatively little in newspaper, periodical, book, and directory publishers and radio and television broadcasting over this period.”
The government would like you to stop looking at the Internet now and get back to work.
Previously: Starting salary for j-school grads rises to $41K, on average | Why an ‘average’ journalism grad’s salary might not be an average salary where you work | Are journalism grads really earning starting salaries of $41k?