Lawrence Journal-World | Snapping Turtle
Kansas University placed associate professor David Guth on administrative leave because of this tweet, published Monday:
#NavyYardShooting The blood is on the hands of the #NRA. Next time, let it be YOUR sons and daughters. Shame on you. May God damn you.
— David Guth (@DWGuth) September 16, 2013
State Sen. Terry Bruce called for Guth to be fired. His tweet became something of a cause célèbre in right wing media circles.
Guth told Scott Rothschild he agreed to the leave “in light of the abusive email threats I and others have received.”
As for the “May God damn you” comment, Guth said: “I think they are on the wrong side of the angels on this issue. I wasn’t cursing them. I was stating that I would like to see God put judgment on them.”
Guth expanded on his thoughts on his blog: “Frankly, I don’t care if I am criticized for being too quick to judge, too harsh in my criticism or too strident in my tone,” he wrote. “The time has passed for niceties and tact.”