The New York Times
Sometimes it takes a long time to get it right. And sometimes when you are trying to fix one mistake, you find others. The New York Times was researching a correction on a column about the original design for the Yankees’ logo when the paper discovered that 136 years ago, the newspaper misspelled the name of a policeman who had been shot in the head by a burglar. (The poor bloke was honored with a medallion that later became a template for the team’s logo.) In a blog post, Andy Newman runs down the course of events:
This just in: we made a mistake – 136 years ago.
It was in a Jan. 9, 1877 article about a police officer shot by a saloon burglar.
The Times called him Officer McDonnell.
His name was McDowell.
The error came to light when we researched a correction to a recent article about the history of the New York Yankees logo.
The record is now set straight.