In August, when the St. Louis Post-Dispatch Editor-in-Chief Gilbert Bailon spoke with Poynter about Ferguson coverage, he said “Ferguson is an inner-ring suburb of 21,000 that has never seen such glare of the national media.”
Three months later, Ferguson has seen a lot of glare, (including from Poynter. We reported from Ferguson in August.) Members of the national media are back now, and they’re waiting. Sometimes together.
Here’s Charlie LeDuff’s video about the media in Ferguson, from WJBK-TV.
On Twitter, St. Louis journalists are doing a good job showing who’s in town. From my former colleague Jason Rosenbaum at St. Louis Public Radio:
Good to see @mattdpearce, @WesleyLowery & @Yamiche back in the St. Louis area. Build a National Reporter House!
— Jason Rosenbaum (@jrosenbaum) November 19, 2014
And the St. Louis American’s managing editor, Chris King:
My view from the MSNBC shoot just now. Pity this crew freezing on an empty lot in #Ferguson. Not glamorous.
— Chris King (@chriskingstl) November 19, 2014
And from Post-Dispatch photographer Huy Mach:
Photographers outnumber protesters on S Florissant Rd in front of the Ferguson PD station
— huy mach (@huyMach) November 20, 2014