Thousands of journalists have had to pick up the pieces and start over because of layoffs, firings and downsizing.
Warren Watson, executive director of the Society of American Business Editors and Writers, has interviewed several of them and is working on a project about broken journalism careers.
He has had some career interruptions himself. We talked about how journalists restart their career, what they have experienced, how you can be prepared and what kinds of entirely different careers former journalists enter.
Replay the live chat for an honest conversation about strategies for dealing with career interruptions. Watson even shared some very unique career transitions such as a photojournalist who started a gourmet pizza business and another former journalist who is now a dog and horse trainer.
We also offered advice about how to avoid the downward spiral that may come with switching careers or losing a job and the importance of rekindling your self-confidence.
You can revisit this page at any time to replay the chat after it has ended. Visit to find an archive of all past chats.