eHarmony staff recently offered up 15 reasons to date a reporter. But most of these reasons could be used to show why you should not date a reporter.
A few examples:
1. Reporters have great “B.S. radar.” They expect honesty and transparency — and know how to find out the truth if it’s not being told.
It’s the “know how to find out the truth if it’s not being told,” part that turns this positive into a negative, aka, they’ll background, call all sources available and may go Snowden on you.
2. Reporters are usually self-employed and have flexible schedules. If you’re free for lunch on a Wednesday, your significant other might be able to join you.
But they probably won’t be able to pay for it.
10. Remember that time your ex forgot your birthday? Reporters pay attention to important details. Your date will remember your birthday, the way you like your coffee, and that promise you made her last week. Your words will matter.
“Your words will matter.” And likely be recorded.
14. Reporters get invitations to swanky events. If you’ve ever wanted to hobnob with the mayor and other local celebrities, dating a reporter helps.
Who are these swanky-event reporters? And aren’t they working at these swanky events, hence not enjoying them? So you’ll be left on your own with the hobnobbing mayor and local celebrities who, if your reporter-date is doing his or her job, probably will know not to talk to you at all.
The list is spot-on in many other ways, though, so by all means, date a reporter. If things work out, I’ve done a bit of reporting already on some next steps, too.
1. Add music: Newsroom sounds aren’t romantic. They’re mostly clacking keyboards and noisy scanners and meeting editors and disgruntled mumbles. Or silence.
The best, and worst, of having a journalist for a Valentine: ‘no one can do math’
Jessanne Collins, editor-in-chief, Mental Floss, and Joe Pompeo, senior reporter, Capital New York
Jessanne: Best — I always have somebody to talk to about work.
Worst — We ALWAYS talk about work!
Joe: Best — Journalists tend to be big drinkers.
Worst — Journalists tend to drink too much.
The next natural step on this list would be how to raise children while being a reporter. I have nothing but personal experience on this so far, but can recommend not to be too excited about wowing a class of kindergartners on career day, especially if you have to follow the dad who is a manager at Sonic and brought everyone french fries and crayons. (Although you may win them back when, like me, your kindergartner comes to the rescue and tells the class “She gets to talk to strangers for a living!”)