April 29, 2014

Sacha Lecca, who is Rolling Stone’s deputy photography editor, tells Jim Colton about his early days at Newsweek:

Last but not least, I remember when Newsweek contract photographer Peter Turnley was covering an international crisis (I forget which) and in the middle of the night I got a call from the lobby that Peter Jennings (Anchorman for ABC Network News) was there to see me. I went downstairs and Jennings handed me a Newsweek film envelope and said, “Someone asked me to pass this along.” Turnley, while having trouble finding a flight to ship film back, spotted Jennings about to get on a US military transport to eventually make it home, and asked him to deliver it. His first stop after arriving in New York was to us. I always thought that was so cool. It was the way things got done back then.

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Kristen Hare is Poynter's director of craft and local news. She teaches local journalists the critical skills they need to serve and cover their communities.…
Kristen Hare

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