Some (a lot) of journalists are eating pizza tonight, or #newsroompizza if you want to hashtag and give it a Twitter account. But not everyone.
Here are a few other scrumptious things you may see tonight on Twitter or Facebook from journalists who are covering the election (or possibly just the rest of the news.) Of course we need coffee, good call from Liset Marquez at the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin in California.
OH: you know how late you are working based on the size of your coffee mug. #Election2014 @TheCananTasci @Artscphoto
— Liset Marquez (@JournaLiset) November 4, 2014
And here’s a meal from WGBH that sounds delicious:
WGBH election-night newsroom food is filafel, greek yogurt, and specialty items because of course #publicbroadcastinghipsters
— David S. Bernstein (@dbernstein) November 4, 2014
Journalists are getting some BBQ tonight at the Dallas Morning News.
Tonight's big winner? @dallasnews reporters, who are getting Pecan Lodge for their election night meal.
— Matthew Watkins (@MWatkinsDMN) November 5, 2014
DMN reporter Eva-Marie Ayala (who shared the previous tweet with me) is missing out on that, but school-board-meeting-meatloaf looks yummy, too.
No #electionnightpizza or Pecan Lodge for me. I got school-board-meeting-break-meatloaf. And it was awesome.
— Eva-Marie Ayala (@EvaMarieAyala) November 5, 2014
The Austin American Statesman went with fajitas.
.@statesman treating reporters covering elections right with steak & chicken fajita burritos #nomnom #atxelections
— Melissa B. Taboada (@melissataboada) November 5, 2014
St. Louis Public Radio went with muffalettas.
The food has arrived at @stlpublicradio election HQ! #stlvotes14 #partylikeajournalist #stlvote #election2014
— Bill Raack (@billraack) November 5, 2014
Lindsay Wise, a national correspondent with McClatchy’s DC bureau, shared this meal on Facebook (and I’m sharing with her permission):
And Michael Biesecker, a reporter with the Associated Press in North Carolina, shared this feast on Facebook (again, sharing with his permission):
Biesecker tells me that meal included “pork barbecue, brisket, ribs, mac & cheese, baked beans, fried okra, hush puppies and sweet tea.”
Let’s end, for now, with bipartisan brownies from Cleveland. They look good. And fair.
Bipartisan brownies for a nail biter of an #Ohio #ElectionNight… #PartylikeaJournalist
— Janet Cho (@janetcho) November 5, 2014
After posting this, I saw some more delicious-not-pizza meal tweets. Here are a few of them:
@Poynter At @CNNEE we had cuban food. Looking for a photo right now! 
— Marysabel CNN (@hustonCNN) November 5, 2014
@Poynter @CNNEE photo or didn't happen! A sort of Ropa vieja. No yuca but plantain chips and empanadas!
— Marysabel CNN (@hustonCNN) November 5, 2014
@Poynter @EWagsterPettus Salmon, salad and brownies
— Jennifer King (@jenapradio) November 5, 2014
— Tamara Lush (@TamaraLush) November 5, 2014
@Poynter Spring rolls and Banh Mi:
— Phuong Le (@AP_Phuong) November 5, 2014
@kristenhare @NewsroomPizza We went the NewsroomChipotle route.
— Daniel Sircar (@danielsircar) November 5, 2014
*sniff* RT @Poynter What are journalists eating on election night? It’s not all #NewsroomPizza
— NewsroomPizza (@NewsroomPizza) November 5, 2014
@kristenhare for us today it's been einstein bagels + bfast sandwiches in the AM, ledo's pizza for lunch, capriotti sub + salads for din
— Hadas Gold (@Hadas_Gold) November 5, 2014
@Poynter We had sub platters from Mr. Goodcents at the St. Joseph News-Press in St. Joseph, Mo. Already ate the photo evidence.
— Clinton Thomas (@SJNPThomas) November 5, 2014
Wheel in the @AP cake for election night.
— Jack Gillum (@jackgillum) November 5, 2014
Our publisher made election cake for the newsroom. Going great with with the barbecue. Happy Election Day!
— Colette Weeks (@coletteweeks) November 5, 2014
@kristenhare For dessert in The @Galesburg R-M newsroom on Election Night, delicious @ElisCheesecake #Election2014
— Jay Redfern (@JayDRedfern) November 5, 2014