Last year, we suggested you go as a troll, a Facebook algorithm or a tweet storm. This year, here are five new journalism-themed costumes in case you’re not yet ready for tomorrow night.
Plan B:
This could be anything you want. A chef. A teacher. A PR pro. Just think about what you’d do if you weren’t a journalist and dress up as that (and maybe save the costume in case you actually need it, someday.)
What you’ll need: An actual Plan B.
This job goes back and forth with journalist for a spot among the worst jobs list. Dressing up like a lumberjack sounds way more fun than dressing up like a journalist though, right?
What you’ll need: Plaid, beard, denim, axe.
Comments section:
In the last year, some news organizations have cut their comments sections while others have found new ways to maintain them. Like the tweet storm idea from last year, just print and cut out a bunch of comments and tape them all over yourself. So scary.
What you’ll need: Paper, printer, scissors, tape, nerve.
Someone from corporate:
This doesn’t need explaining, does it?
What you’ll need: Blinders.
A redacted document:
Former Poynter fellow Gurman Bhatia shared this evergreen journalism costume idea on Instagram on Friday.
What you’ll need: Poster board, marker, fear of sunlight.