The AP linked to this video of a cat in a pirate costume (Screenshot).
AP Politics, an Associated Press Twitter account with more than 55,000 followers, inadvertently linked to a video of a cat in a pirate costume in lieu of a story about CIA Director John Brennan’s personal email account.
Here’s the tweet (since deleted), via Gawker’s Gabrielle Bluestone:
The link took readers to a video posted by R&B artist Tyrese Gibson on Facebook showing a cat in pirate regalia slowly advancing on the videographer.
The AP quickly caught the error and issued another tweet, which was apparently less popular than its earlier effort:
@AP_Politics booo
— Ty (@tidilee) October 19, 2015
The #piratecat link was better @AP_Politics –you know I am right 
— LisainDallas (@LisainDallas) October 19, 2015
@AP_Politics OY! Puss in Boots is a proud Soldier or the Cause! and a great antidote to Monday!
— karon adams (@MilitaryRosary) October 19, 2015
This isn’t the first time The Associated Press has made news for an errant tweet. Lou Ferrara, a managing editor at The Associated Press, was questioned by “Daily Show” correspondent Hasan Minhaj earlier this month about a tweet from July 2014 saying a plane containing bodies from the crash of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 had crash landed.