Newspapers, radio and television stations across Kenya led with a welcome to President Obama on Friday, including Taifa Leo and The East African on the right. The BBC’s Janet Onyango shared images of the coverage. In Nairobi, journalist Rachel Jones Instagrammed images of many Friday fronts.
On Thursday, Poynter’s Ben Mullin wrote about why Kenyans are mad at CNN after the network called the country a terror hotbed. That led to the hashtag #somebodytellCNN. The same hashtag was used two years ago by Kenyans, journalist Nanjala Nyabola wrote for Al Jazeera at the time.
Also on Thursday, Committee to Protect Journalists’ Sue Valentine wrote about the president’s visit to Kenya and asked “Will Obama’s visit boost hopes for press freedom in Kenya?”
Here’s a small collection of fronts from Kenya I found through the sites, Twitter and Facebook accounts of these newspapers. I’m also including links to the Twitter accounts of each publication so you can follow along with their coverage of the president’s visit.