March 31, 2015

Friday, April 10 is the 10th birthday of Poynter News University. In addition to other celebrations going on around Poynter, we’ve pulled together a series of lists from NewsU’s teaching and teachers the past 10 years.

Webinars showcase industry leaders and media experts across a wide range of topics, themes and techniques at Poynter News University. Here are 10 from the first 10 years, taken from our library of more than 250 Webinars and Webinar presenters.

Mark S. Luckie: You are What You Tweet: How to Engage with Your Readers on Twitter
Luckie, the creative content manager for journalism at Twitter, is a multi-platform journalist and editor, founder of the digital journalism blog 10,000 Words, and author of The Digital Journalist’s Handbook. He brings a big smile and big ideas when he teaches.

Jacqui Banaszynski: Adding Verbs with Verve and Volume to Your Writing
Banaszynski is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist who spent 30 years as a newspaper reporter and editor. She holds a Knight Chair professorship at the Missouri School of Journalism, is an editing fellow at the Poynter Institute and coaches student and professional journalists around the world. She will be back in the Poynter studios for a Master Class on The Art of the Interview on May 15.

Lisa McLendon: Clarity is Key: Making Writing Clean and Concise
McLendon is the coordinator of the Bremner Editing Center in the University of Kansas journalism school, where she also teaches news writing and editing. She’s also the winner of the 2015 American Copy Editors Society spelling bee–no easy feat.

James Janega: Developing Your Social Media Voice
When he led this Webinar, Janega was managing the Trib Nation blog, conducting monthly community conversation working lunches on coverage topic areas, and, in general, making it easier to connect with the Chicago Tribune. He was also the first Webinar presenter to create an infographic with a felt-tip pen on a napkin during rehearsal. Interesting technique in a digital-first world.

Yuri Victor: Using Design Thinking to Build New News Products
Victor is a senior user experience designer at Vox Media. He spends most of his time in the Vox newsroom melding design, programming and journalism. He has worked in almost every newsroom role (reporter, editor, page designer, photographer) and in multiple departments (editorial, IT, marketing, advertising) and even had a stint pushing 600-pound rolls of paper around the press room.

Craig Silverman: Fact-checking and Debunking: Covering Rumors, Hoaxes and Gossip
Silverman has launched, a real-time rumor tracker. He’s a leading expert on media errors, accuracy and verification. While we don’t keep an official NewsU tally, he’s near the top of the list of frequent Webinar presenters.

Mark E. Johnson: How and When to Shoot Video with a Smartphone
Johnson is the senior lecturer of photojournalism at the University of Georgia’s Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication, where he oversees the visual journalism emphasis. An early digital disciple and technology geek, he believes that the story is always more important than the form it’s presented in.

Les Rose: Lighting Tips and Tricks for Better Pictures and Video
Rose is a staff network news photojournalist in a Los Angeles bureau and longtime friend of Poynter. His assignments are for The CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley (and Dan Rather, Bob Schieffer and Katie Couric as well), CBS Sunday Morning, Sixty Minutes 2, 48 Hours and CBS This Morning. He’s also good at pop quizzes during a Webinar. Just ask about the “reporter sandwich.”

David Folkenflik: Short Narrative Bursts: Social Media Writing
Folkenflik is NPR’s media correspondent based in New York City. He has been with the network since 2004 and appears on NPR’s newsmagazines and shows, including All Things Considered, Morning Edition and Talk of the Nation. He managed to rehearse and present in a Webinar, all while working on breaking news stories the day of his session.

Merrill Perlman: The Art and Science of Editing
Perlman, a consultant who specializes in editing and the English language, spent 25 years at The New York Times in jobs ranging from copy editor to director of copy desks, in charge of all 150-plus copy editors at The Times. She is part of the team developing a new online seminar in editing, in partnership with the American Copy Editors Society.

By the way, the April Webinar lineup has just been announced. It includes sessions with Sara Catania, vice president of digital news for NBC4 Southern California; S. Mitra Kalita, incoming managing editor at the Los Angeles Times; Jan Winburn, senior editor for enterprise at CNN Digital; and LaToya Drake, marketing manager, media outreach at Google, plus Poynter faculty Roy Peter Clark and more.

Related: NewsU was funded by a grant from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. Coming up, there are two ways you can join the NewsU birthday celebration. Share a story about how NewsU e-learning has transformed your journalism, and come to NewsU’s birthday Webinar on April 10, featuring some of the best lessons, tips, tricks, hacks and bits of knowledge from 10 years of e-learning.

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Vicki Krueger has worked with The Poynter Institute for more than 20 years in roles from editor to director of interactive learning and her current…
Vicki Krueger

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