May 6, 2015

The New York Times

A new feature from The New York Times demonstrates a novel way for news organizations to deal with candidates who won’t answer reporters’ questions: publish them. Amy Chozick, the Times scribe who has been covering Hillary, explains:

Since she declared her candidacy on April 12, Hillary Rodham Clinton has answered just seven questions from reporters. This is the first installment of a regular First Draft feature in which The Times will publish questions we would have asked Mrs. Clinton had we had the opportunity.

Late last month, The National Journal tallied up the seven questions that Clinton has deigned to answer so far. She fielded a query about “Clinton Cash,” a book containing charges she’s rebuffed using her own messaging platform. Also on the short list: A question about the Trans-Pacific Partnership and one about her campaign finance agenda.

Last month, Chozick described what it’s like to cover Clinton’s campaign, likening it to a circus.

The Times also invites readers to submit questions they want to ask the presidential contender. But they’ll have to get behind all the reporters on the campaign trail.

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Benjamin Mullin was formerly the managing editor of He also previously reported for Poynter as a staff writer, Google Journalism Fellow and Naughton Fellow,…
Benjamin Mullin

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