It’s been well over a year since COVID-19 changed the way we live our lives — and how we commemorate Pulitzers.
Encouraging downward trends of COVID-19 cases and more people across the country getting vaccinated mean that journalists will soon be able to get back to champagne and cheers in the newsroom. But as BuzzFeed News showed us today, we’re not quite there yet.
— David Mack (@davidmackau) June 11, 2021
In the meantime, we’re searching the Twitter atmosphere for what board members should consider adding to the list of categories next year: Celebrations.
Here’s what we’ve found so far:
The Star Tribune was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for breaking news reporting for its coverage of the killing of George Floyd and its aftermath. It is one of journalism’s most prestigious honors.
— Star Tribune (@StarTribune) June 11, 2021
— Ed Yong (@edyong209) June 11, 2021
Honored to receive this recognition with @_neilbedi and the fantastic team at the @TB_Times
— Kathleen McGrory (@kmcgrory) June 11, 2021
Honored and grateful to have this work recognized with a Pulitzer Prize. A group effort, throughout @MarshallProj and our wonderful partners @aldotcom @indystar @invinst . Special shoutout to @AbbieVanSickle @1manueltorres @lesliepeaton, but more: 1/2
— Susan Chira (@susanchira) June 11, 2021
We just won a Pulitzer for our Xinjiang reporting!
— Alison Killing (@alisonkilling) June 11, 2021
tfw you realize you live in a Pulitzer Prize-winning home
— Tampa Bay Times (@TB_Times) June 11, 2021
Oh. My. God!!!!!!!!!!!!
— Mitchell S. Jackson (@MitchSJackson) June 11, 2021
I am at a loss for words. My incredible editor @kitrachlis will have difficulty believing this. When I find them, I have many people to thank, including the mighty teams at @CalSunday + @pulitzercenter, + the asylum-seekers who bravely shared their journey and lives with me.
— Nadja Drost (@nadjadrost) June 11, 2021
Michael Paul Williams, a veteran journalist and longtime columnist for the Richmond Times-Dispatch, has earned a Pulitzer Prize in Commentary for his work in 2020.
— Times-Dispatch (@RTDNEWS) June 11, 2021
Really happy to receive the Pulitzer Prize. Sharing here a selection with some of the best images. Activate
— Emilio Morenatti (@EmilioMorenatti) June 11, 2021
This is a reenactment of me finding out about today’s @PulitzerPrizes.
Imagine my son screaming for a bottle. All of my gratitude and emotional tweets to come. @LiverightPub @KatieHAdams @dan_gerstle @merieberie @tessleragency @CordeliaCalvert
— Marcia Chatelain, Author/Historian (@DrMChatelain) June 11, 2021
Wilmington’s Lie wins Pulitzer for general nonfiction book.
— David Zucchino (@davidzucchino) June 11, 2021
Am so grateful to our team, to @BuzzFeedNews, @alexcampbell & the organizations that supported us.
Most of all I’m grateful to ex-detainees who told us what happened to them inside Xinjiang’s camps. The public owes much to their courage.
Still much more work to be done.
— Megha Rajagopalan (@meghara) June 11, 2021
Congratulations to @andrew_chung_, @lawrencehurley, @andreajanuta, @JaimiDowdell and @jackie_botts of @Reuters. #Pulitzer
— The Pulitzer Prizes (@PulitzerPrizes) June 11, 2021
I cannot explain how important it is that the Pulitzer Prize Committee awarded its Special Citation to Darnella Frazier for the video she took of George Floyd’s death at the hands of the murderer Derek Chauvin.
— jelani cobb (@jelani9) June 11, 2021
So many feelings. Not least of which is that we should all probably think hard about tools of emotional manipulation in politics.
Thank you @PulitzerPrizes for recognizing our work. More gratitude soon. I’m in thecelebrating with friends
— Lisa Hagen (@TwitrHagen) June 11, 2021
I’m *thrilled.* Sheesh, I need an editor!!!
— Helen Branswell (@HelenBranswell) June 11, 2021
Understated Indian dad reaction
— Megha Rajagopalan (@meghara) June 11, 2021
This is wonderful, and I’m so grateful. But to me the coolest part is being recognized along with the legend @HelenBranswell, as well as Sharon, whom we miss so much. It is such a privilege and joy that I’ve had the chance to work with them, and to learn from them
— Andrew Joseph (@DrewQJoseph) June 11, 2021
Our work on the beginning of the pandemic and the crackdown in Xinjiang is a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize for investigative reporting..!
— Dake Kang (@dakekang) June 11, 2021
You are the best, @nixonron. We’d walk through fire for you! Thank you!
— Margie Mason (@MargieMasonAP) June 11, 2021
No prize was awarded for the Pulitzer Prize in Editorial Cartooning this year, but I am a Finalist AGAIN, along wi/ Ken Fisher (Tom the Dancing Bug) and Indian Country’s finest editorial cartoonist, Marty Two Bulls. I can see why it was a toughie!
— Mexican Judge (@laloalcaraz) June 11, 2021
two hours before “Pulitzer Prize finalist” lmao #gayrights
— Michael Breslin (@mischabreslin) June 11, 2021
I am so incredibly honored that #TheThreeCorneredWar was a finalist for the 2021 @PulitzerPrizes in History!
Thank you to the jury members and to the board! And to my wonderful editor Kathy Belden at @Scribner for taking a chance on this book.
— Dr. Megan Kate Nelson is the co-host now (@megankatenelson) June 11, 2021
Thrilled to announce that Stranger in the Shogun’s City was a finalist for the #pulitzer!! Luckily my husband got this screenshot or I wouldn’t have believed it!
— Amy Stanley (@astanley711) June 11, 2021