Language, Math and News Literacy Certificate

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $0.00.

Language, Math and News Literacy Certificate

This new triple certificate from Poynter will ensure you have mastered fundamental skills needed to pursue a career in communications.

Start Anytime


  • Students, prove your proficiency in the fundamentals of language, math, fact-checking and news literacy.
  • Educators, assign this certificate bundle in your course or use as a prerequisite.
  • Participants can take this course at their own pace, on their own time, wherever they are.
  • The course should take 10-12 hours to complete.
  • ISBN: 978-1-956384-05-5

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $0.00.

SKU: NUCS02-21 Tag:

Learning Outcomes

Students in this course will learn how to:

  • Overcome common grammatical, punctuation and writing mistakes
  • Strengthen their writing skills around sentence structure, contractions, possessive pronouns and plural words
  • Articulate the correct usage around commas, clauses and pronouns
  • Comprehend concepts from correlations to percentages to rate calculations
  • Write about polling numbers and common governmental data
  • Articulate the basics of fact-checking and digital media literacy

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $0.00.


  • Students, prove your proficiency in the fundamentals of language, math, fact-checking and news literacy.
  • Educators, assign this certificate bundle in your course or use as a prerequisite.
  • Participants can take this course at their own pace, on their own time, wherever they are.
  • The course should take 10-12 hours to complete.
  • ISBN: 978-1-956384-05-5

Training five or more people?
Check out our custom training.

The Language, Math and News Literacy Certificate is exactly what it promises: a rigorous assessment-based course that focuses on three areas key to a career in today’s communications job market: language, mathematics and news literacy.

In the first section, adapted from our Language Primer Certificate, students will explore grammar, punctuation and word use, exploring why the fundamentals matter and what you need to know to succeed as a writer. The second section, adapted from our Math for Journalists Certificate, focuses solely on math, helping you confront numbers head-on and write about them accurately, ethically and elegantly. In the last section, adapted from our MediaWise Fact-Checking 101 course, you’ll learn the basics of misinformation, how to quickly fact-check suspicious posts, and how to identify even the sneakiest of online ads.

Each section includes an assessment that will rate your comprehension of the lessons, and includes multiple quizzes and drills along the way to help with retention. The self-directed course should take 10-12 hours to complete, and all successful participants will receive a final certificate proving proficiency.


If you need assistance, email us at



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